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Are you a singer, songwriter, musician, or artist who's currently feeling a bit lost? Do you need career advice, assistance, or guidance regarding your next steps to enhance your artistic journey? Are you seeking to expand your knowledge about how the music industry operates, including topics like sync deals, performance rights organizations (PROs), proper song registration, and more? Perhaps you're aiming to achieve a specific objective, such as securing a sync placement, achieving chart success on platforms like iTunes and Billboard, gaining recognition through award shows and showcases, and beyond.

Introducing Justine Blazer's consulting packages – your solution to these needs. With her professional insight and expertise, Justine offers valuable assistance that can elevate your music, advance your career, and enrich your comprehension of the intricate music business landscape. Whether you're seeking general guidance or aiming to conquer a particular milestone, Justine is well-equipped to support you in your endeavors.

Contact us today for more info including special rates and packages!